Saturday, January 19, 2019

The Future is an Interactive Hologram Bree Who Reads Her Own Work (Digital Fiction, Blog Post 1, Part 3)

All of these questions and links were first posed by Dr. Mark America in his Digital Fiction class, Spring, 2019, at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Links and questions have been posted with his gracious permission.

!!!(Huzzah to you, Mark, for getting the brain noodles juiced)!!!

Ted Nelson: "The Xanadu Project (An Overview on"The Future of Information)" - first conceived in 1960
Dick Higgins: "Intermedia" (February 1966, Something Else Press)
Dick Higgins with an Appendix by Hannah Higgins: "Intermedia" (1965, 1981 and 2001)

Questions for Consideration:
How can some of the ideas developed by Higgins over 50 years ago be translated into 21st century digital art and writing practices? To what degree do you operate as an intermedia artist and/or writers and/or performer? Does the advent of new media technologies make it easier to work “in between” media? What are the advantages and/or disadvantages to working as an intermedia practitioner or, to put a slightly different spin on the same question, what are the advantages and/or disadvantages to composing new work from an interdisciplinary versus discipline-specific practice?

Finally, how can we look at these initial readings as intellectual triggers to further develop our own creative investigation of digital fiction?

Penny for My Thoughts? (I read them to you this time) Click on the sound file below!

Thanks for reading and listening along, my lovelies! 

Until next time,

😼😼 ~Bree 😼😼

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